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Family Planning

You may be concerned if you have CGD and are planning to get pregnant – with loads of questions you want to ask the experts. But with proper health management, there is no reason for there to be any CGD-related complications.

How likely are people with CGD to have children with the condition?

Both men and women can pass CGD on to their children. The chance of a child of a CGD parent developing the condition varies considerably. It depends on the type of CGD (X-linked or autosomal recessive) and whether the other parent has any genetic links with the condition.

For further information, visit the ‘inheritance page.


CGD and having a baby

Women with CGD can become pregnant and have babies without experiencing any adverse effects to their health. However, their pregnancies do require more management than those of other women because of the condition.

This is mainly because some drugs that are used to treat infections common in people who have CGD can be passed from a pregnant woman to her baby, possibly causing birth defects or miscarriage. However, there are suitable alternative medications that are safe to use in pregnancy.

Before getting pregnant

If you have CGD, discuss alternative medication with your doctor before becoming pregnant so that plans can be made and to make sure you are in optimum health. If this is not possible, women should inform their doctor as soon as they know they are pregnant.

It is crucial that women with CGD don’t stop taking their preventative medication as this may place both them and their baby at risk. Any potential infection, and the treatment it may involve, is potentially more harmful than taking preventative medication.


Prenatal testing

Blood tests and a family history can help estimate the likelihood that a child will inherit CGD. People with CGD and their families may find that a hospital genetic counselling service can offer valuable guidance and advice on family issues.

A prenatal test on tissue (chorionic villus sampling, or CVS) or fluid (amniocentesis) from the womb during early pregnancy can show whether the baby will have CGD.

Some hospitals may also offer free fetal DNA testing to carriers of X-linked CGD during the first nine weeks of pregnancy. This determines the sex of the baby and only a sample of the mother’s blood is needed. There is a one in two chance that baby boys may have inherited CGD. Baby girls don’t inherit X-linked CGD – it only affects boys. However, there is a one in two chance that a female will be a carrier of X-CGD. These "chances" are for each pregnancy.

In the UK, the family clinic at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London can offer this service to families.


Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

A technique called preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which involves using IVF (invitro fertilisation) treatment, makes it possible to see whether an embryo has CGD or not before it is placed back in the womb.



More information

Read more about inheritance.

Read more about the different types of CGD.

This information was reviewed by the CGD Clinical Nurse Specialist, March 2020

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