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UK Based Nursing Services

Paediatric nursing services


As part of our support services CGD Society funds a full time CGD Clinical Nurse Specialist based at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.

The CGD Society nurse, Helen Braggins, is fundamental in supporting those affected by CGD. Some of the support she provides includes:

  • A direct contact for patients and families with CGD related health concerns
  • Care and support to hospitalised children and adult patients
  • A point of contact for local hospitals and GPs when presented with a CGD patient in an emergency and for regular care
  • Attendance at clinic appointments at Great Ormond Street Hospital and Royal Free Hospital London
  • Provision of home visits to patients to administer medication and support patients social care
  • A direct contact for schools and organisations, including visits, to provide information about CGD and the individual care needed for a student or employee with CGD
  • Organising genetic testing for patients and their immediate families
  • Care and support for female X-linked CGD Carriers


If you live in the UK and are the parent of a child affected by CGD and have a question regarding your child's health management, please contact our CGD Society clinical nurse specialist (CNS), Helen Braggins:

By email:

By telephone: 020 7405 9200 ext. 5024

If you require urgent admission to hospital or any advice regarding emergency care, please use the contact details below:

From 7:30 - 3:30 Monday to Friday:

Please call CNS Helen Braggins on 020 7405 9200 ext. 5024 or by mobile on 07775 794 511.

Our Clinical Nurse does not work in the evenings, at weekends or on bank holidays so if you have an urgent question, please phone your local team.

Outside of these dates and hours and in emergency:

If you require urgent admission to hospital or any advice regarding emergency care, please use the contact details below:

Please call the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children on 020 7405 9200 and ask for the immunology registrar on call.

If your child requires emergency treatment by a non-CGD specialist, you can download Chronic Granulomatous Disorder - A guide for medical professionals, written by medical professionals for medical professionals.


Adult nursing services

If you are an adult, living in the UK, affected by CGD and have a question regarding your health management, please contact our CGD Society clinical nurse specialist (CNS), Helen Braggins:

By email:

By telephone: 020 7405 9200 ext. 5024

If you have a specific question for Dr David Lowe, immunology consultant at the Royal Free Hospital, please contact him directly:

By email:

By telephone: 020 7830 2141

In case of emergency

If you require urgent admission to hospital or any advice regarding emergency care, please use the contact details below:

From 7:30 to 3:30 , Monday to Friday:

Please call CNS Helen Braggins on 020 7405 9200 ext. 5024 or by mobile on 07775 794 511.

Our Clinical Nurse does not work in the evenings, at weekends or on bank holidays so if you have an urgent question, please phone your local team.

Outside of these hours:

Please call the Royal Free Hospital on 020 7794 0500 and ask directly for Dr David Lowe, Immunology Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital.

If you require emergency treatment by a non-CGD specialist, you can download Chronic Granulomatous Disorder - A guide for medical professionals, written by medical professionals for medical professionals.


Services for X-linked carrier females

If you are a carrier of X-linked CGD and live in the UK, the CGD Society Clinical Nurse Specialist, Helen Braggins, will be able to refer you to appropriate healthcare professionals for your ongoing care and advice for control and treatment of any symptoms. Helen will also inform you about any on-going research studies that you may want to participate in.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, Helen can also provide full antenatal support and advice through the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children family clinic.

Please contact Helen via:


Telephone: 020 7405 9200 ext. 5024


More information

For more information, contact us.

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