Our Services
As a charity, we benefit from the expertise, enthusiasm and goodwill of many people - CGD families, doctors, nurses, researchers, volunteers, patrons, trustees and fundraising supporters.
With help from these diverse sectors, we can give on-the-ground support to CGD-affected people in a multitude of ways, including medical advice, emotional support and raising awareness of the condition.
We are sensitive to the fact that every case of CGD is a person and that no two people with CGD have the same needs, and at different times the same person needs different services. This is why the services we offer are broad ranging.
If you have a question about CGD and cannot find the answer within this website, please contact us and we will do our best to get an answer for you.
To benefit from our full range of support services please sign up to become a member of the charity here . Membership is free.
The CGD Society can help to support you in a number ways. Read more FAQs regarding the support we offer or click through the sections below for more information.
If you are based in the UK and require medical advice or assistance, please click on the UK based nursing services link below to find the details of our clinical nurse specialist and out-of-hours paediatric and adult patient services.
If you are based in the UK and are experiencing financial hardship due to the impact of CGD on your or your family's life, please look at the information on our family support fund below.
Telephone and email helpline
If you have a query about CGD and you cannot find the answer on our website or need help, then don’t hesitate to contact us.

UK Based Nursing Services
Please click on the UK based nursing services link below to find the details of our clinical nurse specialist and out-of-hours paediatric and adult patient services.

Family Support Fund
The CGD Society puts aside some of its funds each year to provide financial assistance to patients affected by CGD and their families.

Bereavement support
Nothing can prepare you for what you are experiencing if you have lost a loved one to CGD. Grief can last for years, not weeks or months. Its duration is different for everybody – because everyone is different. This section gives a directory of services that might be of help.

Mental Health Support
We have collated a list of resources and guides to support your mental health.

Guides and Resources
As an adult with CGD, it is very important to take care of your health to keep yourself as well as possible to keep infection at bay and to keep yourself out of hospital.

Cost of living resources
A list of resources in the UK for support during the cost-of-living crisis.