Support Us
The CGD Society can only support its members by raising funds. We are fortunate to own the Jeans for Genes® and Genetic Disorders UK® trademarks and they give us the majority of our income, but we could do so much more if we had the money.
You can help us by running an event of any sort - whatever you want to do. Read some of our fundraisers' stories for ideas, organise a JeansforGenes Day event in September or jump out of a plane like Anthony Hutchings! Contact us for more inspiration.
We are grateful for any donation however large or small and all the donations the CGD Society receive will help those who need support with CGD and will make a huge difference to their lives.
Get Active to Fundraise
Take on a physical challenge, whether running, cycling or even walking a long distance, and we will support you through your fundraising journey.

Thrill-Seeking Fundraising
Relish in the feeling of taking on one of these challenges whilst using it to raise money and support people affected by CGD.

A-Z of fundraising
We've pulled together a 'fun'draising A-Z of ideas that you can do for us, including some online and at home activities.

Jeans for Genes Day
Jeans for Genes is the main source of income for the CGD Society, we receive a fee for the use of the trademark. Support us by supporting Jeans for Genes!

easyfundraising and
Fundraising whilst shopping online.

Facebook Birthday Fundraiser
Ask your friends and family to donate in honour of your birthday. 100% of donations go to us!

Regular Giving
Make a monthly regular donation of your choice.

Your Fundraising Stories
We are fortunate to have many wonderful supporters who have taken on challenges to raise funds for our vital work. Take a look at some of their inspiring efforts.

Fundraising Tools and Downloads
Here are some handy downloads and sources of inspiration to help you reach your fundraising goal.